Hot work can be dangerous, especially when combustible materials are in the area. The NFPA 51B, "Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work" helps you reduce the risks associated with hot work projects and understand the safety measures and practices required within industry. This online course identifies and explains the requirements for conducting hot work.
A certificate is issued on successful completion.
A jagged wheel fragment can fly fast enough to penetrate the soft tissue of your neck, eyes and face. Bench grinders are powerful tools that require precision and precaution. This course will explain the steps you must take to stay safe when working with these commonly used pieces of equipment. Ideal learners are maintenance employees in general industry, employees in the construction industry, and supervisors of those employees.
This course introduces common hazards associated with welding, cutting, and brazing and ways to prevent injury and damage. Ideal learners are employees who perform hot work.
This online Hot Work Safety and the Permitting Process course discusses the hazards encountered in hot work and focuses on how employees can use the permitting process and other safe practices to perform hot work tasks safely.
This course covers hazards, safety precautions, responsibilities and emergency procedures associated with this dangerous but necessary work. Ideal learners include all construction employees who perform, supervise or work near hot work.
Access Rescue Canada
3317-C Mainway Drive, Burlington, ON L7M 1A6
Access Rescue is a registered Training Corporation with Industry Canada and is an active member of the National Fire Protection Association
Copyright © 2003 - 2025 Access Rescue Canada, Inc.